PERT vs CPM | Differences Between Pert and CPM


CPM and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) are most commonly used methods for project management. There are some similarities and differences between PERT and CPM. PERT can be applied to any field requiring planned, controlled and integrated work efforts to accomplish defined objectives.CPM/PERT - Difference between PERT and CPM

On the other hand, CPM (Critical Path Method) is the method of project planning consisting of a number of well defined and clearly recognizable activities.


PERT/CPM – Differences between PERT and CPM

Though PERT and CPM both are used for project management, there are differences between CPM and PERT. The relative table for PERT vs CPM is shown below.



  • CPM uses activity oriented network.
  • PERT uses event oriented Network.
  • Durations of activity may be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy.
  • Estimate of time for activities are not so accurate and definite.
  • It is used extensively in construction projects.
  • It is used mostly in research and development projects, particularly projects of non-repetitive nature.
  • Deterministic concept is used.
  • Probabilistic model concept is used.
  • CPM can control both time and cost when planning.
  • PERT is basically a tool for planning.
  • In CPM, cost optimization is given prime importance. The time for the completion of the project depends upon cost optimization. The cost is not directly proportioned to time. Thus, cost is the controlling factor.
  • In PERT, it is assumed that cost varies directly with time. Attention is therefore given to minimize the time so that minimum cost results. Thus in PERT, time is the controlling factor.


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14 thoughts on “PERT vs CPM | Differences Between Pert and CPM”

  1. I have a report about Project Management, I want to understand more about this PERT and CPM more. Your answers are a great help. Thanks.

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