Weathering and erosion are sometimes misjudged by thinking that they are the same thing or somewhat similar. But the fact is weathering and erosion are completely different actions with different mechanism. The similarity between these two action is that they both are parts of a single process called Denudation, lowering of the surface of the earth. The main difference between weathering and erosion is that erosion is the wearing away of rocks or similar deposits on the earth’s surface by the action of the water, ice, wind, etc and on the other hand, weathering is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of rocks or other deposits by the action of rain, snow etc environmental factors. A comparative table for weathering vs erosion is shown below for clear concept.
weathering and erosion
Weathering vs Erosion
Difference between weathering and erosion are many. The major differences between weathering and erosion are given below.
Weathering means disintegration and decomposition of the rock without any significant transportation of the resultant product.
Erosion is the loosening and carrying away of rock debris by the moving agent operating on the earth surface.
Weathering aids erosion by weakening and disintegrating rocks.
Erosion in turn aids weathering by removing the cover of soil and loose debris and exposing them to the weather for weathering.
It is the production of rock waste under virtually static condition.
It is the transportation of rock waste from the site of its formation.
Weathering includes only breaking of rock.
Erosion includes both breaking of rock and transportation of the broken part.
It is a static process.
It is a dynamic process.
Weathering can take place without subsequent erosion.
Erosion is possible without previous weathering.
There are 3 types of weathering.
There are 5 types of erosion.
After weathering, weathered materials doesn’t move.